Monday, November 3, 2008

1. The 7 main differences between bacteria and eukaryotic cells is bacteria are prokaryotes. eukartyotic cells are 10 times bigger. all bacteria are single cells. bacterial chromosomes consists of a single circular piece of DNA. bacteria reproduces by binary fission. bacterial flagella are simple structures composed of a single fiber of protein that spins like a corkscrew to move the cell. bacteria have many metabolic abilities that eukaryotic lack.


3. gram staining is important in medicine because 2 groups of bacteria differ in their susceptibility to different antibiotics.

4.Conjugation is a process in which two organisms exchange genetic material.

5. has no organelles, moves by-rotates its fagella, it reproduces by binary fission, it has pili, DNA is organized

Friday, October 3, 2008

Parts of the Cell

Nucleus:-organelle that houses DNA.

Mitochondrion:-organelle that produces much of the ATP made by a eukaryotic.

Cell Membrane:-lipid bilayer with embedded proteins that encloses the cytoplasm; essential to the cells cytoplasm; also called the plasma membrane.

Ribosome:-organelle on which proteins are made.

Golgi apparatus:-organelle that packages and distributes molecules produced by eukaryotic cell.

Endoplasimic reticulum:-cell membranes in the cytoplasm that transport substances made by the cell.

Lysosome:-organelle in eukaryotic cell that contains digestive enzymes.

Central vacuole:-membranebound cavity in the plant cells used for storage.

Chloroplast:-organelle that uses light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.

Cell wall:-the structure that surounds the cell membrane and provides support for the cell.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


1.Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of union
2.The acceleration is directly related to the mass of the object and the force.
3.For every action there is an equal and opposite force.

Weight grams.
Distance ft.
Plastic wheel
2.7 g
Eye bolt
2.2 g
Lil pencil
9 ft

1st law of motion- The spring being released is the unbalanced force.
2nd law of motion- The Wheel and eye bolt were the heaviest objects at 2.7g and 2.2g, surprisingly, 20 ft. The pencil was the lightest and it flew the least because it hit the ceiling every time.
3rd law of motion-The spoon is the action force and the objects were the reaction force in this experiment.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Spokane words for camas, the land where it grows, basalt, root digger ? Camus: muckamuck

Type of biome where the camas grows in ? Praire and damp meadows

How the plant is harvested explain why the root digger is needed (what gets in the way?) harvest during the spring/summer you use a root digger. rocks get in the way.