Friday, October 3, 2008

Parts of the Cell

Nucleus:-organelle that houses DNA.

Mitochondrion:-organelle that produces much of the ATP made by a eukaryotic.

Cell Membrane:-lipid bilayer with embedded proteins that encloses the cytoplasm; essential to the cells cytoplasm; also called the plasma membrane.

Ribosome:-organelle on which proteins are made.

Golgi apparatus:-organelle that packages and distributes molecules produced by eukaryotic cell.

Endoplasimic reticulum:-cell membranes in the cytoplasm that transport substances made by the cell.

Lysosome:-organelle in eukaryotic cell that contains digestive enzymes.

Central vacuole:-membranebound cavity in the plant cells used for storage.

Chloroplast:-organelle that uses light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.

Cell wall:-the structure that surounds the cell membrane and provides support for the cell.